Sisters are beautiful gift from God, sister is the most amazing gift your parents ever gave you. A best friend is a gift in life, but sisters share an unmatched bond. Even when the world seems like it’s working against you, your sister (elder) is always there for you to fall back on. So she’s basically plays a role of bodyguard in our life who helps from personal life to professional life. Doesn’t matter how far apart the two of you live, you know she’s always with you. Such lady deserves to have something special on her birthday. Presents beautiful birthday cake with some loving bday lines on it to your sister.
Birthday Cake Wishes Images For Sister
Siblings may fight, call each other names, kick, push, shove, punch, hit – but nobody else besides them gets to do that, only they have the authority to do that. Birthdays are always a special occasion to express you love and rightly so. Here we brought beautiful collection of birthday cake pics with wishes to express your unconditional love for sister.

My dear sister, on your special day I‘d like to wish you have colorful life and full of everything that you love most!
Thank you for your support that can’t be repaid throughout the life, happy birthday my beautiful sister! Wishing you ocean of fun and lots of happy memories.
My crazy, loving, caring and fun sister, may each minute of your life be filled with happiness and may this birthday be just perfect for you!

I want to thank you my sis, for being an excellent friend of mine, I wish you all happiness that you truly deserve! Happy birthday my sweet sis.
You are the one who has taught me what love and care is, thank you for teaching me lesson of humanity, happy birthday my world prettiest sis.
I wish you a life full of wonder, joy and prosperity to most loving and caring sister in this entire world.
Without you I would have been absolutely lost, thank sis for supporting, teaching and guiding me at each single step of life, I wish all your wish come true on your birthday.

Thank you sis for bringing me the faith that I’m never alone, you will be my idol and the strongest women in this entire world.
I know my gift is not precious as like you, but I thank god for giving me such wonderful sister, happy birthday my sis.
It’s true that a special birthday gift is very difficult to find but it is impossible to find a sister like you, I thank God to give me such a wonderful sister.