Give your sweetie pie unforgettable memories on her coming up birthday. Create memories as relation builds on memories. Give priority to your wife, spend quality time with her and send Happy Birthday wishes to her. Make her feel you love her through your actions. You don’t need money to make someone feel special, all it takes is the right actions at the right time. Oder beautiful birthday cake on her special day that will realize how really you care of her.
Birthday Cake Wishes Image For Wife

Happy birthday to my sweetie pie, thank you bringing so much joy to my life! you make me feel so lucky in love.
I never really thought I’d meet someone like you, you are not only my wife but most trusted friend, happy birthday my sweet sweet shona.
Thank you for sharing your life with me, I feel blessed to have such a loving and caring person in my life, happy birthday my sweetheart.
I wish you to celebrate all the wonderful things that make you so special,you are the person in whom I take pride. May you get the best of everything in life!

I must say that having you in my life, everyday seems like dream come true. Happy Birthday darling! always fly high in life and touch all your dreams.
Special thanks to an angel who changed my life, Happy birthday to my perfect wife! There is nothing I would change about you.
Thank you for your unconditional and everlasting love, my heart and soul belongs to you till the end, happy birthday sweetheart.
I thank God for giving me a beautiful person like you, there is no present good enough to show you how much I love you, so on your birthday I give you my heart.
Having a wife like you, I feel I am so blessed. I wish you a very warm and happy birthday.

The best part of everyday is sharing it with a person like you, sending countless kisses and hugs to decorate your birthday with my love.
Loving you is the best thing I have ever done in my life, from morning to night, I want to make your special day as exciting and beautiful as you!
I feel like the luckiest guy in the whole world to have a beautiful and honest wife who has showed me what love is and who makes every day a dream come true, Happy Birthday