Happy Easter 2018 Wishes Messages Images

Happy Easter 2018 Pics

Send your family, relatives and friends happy Easter best wishes and greetings to make their holly weekend full of blessings. Easter is a Christian holiday that celebrates the belief in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This year Easter takes place from Good Friday on March 30 until Easter Monday on April 2 – making Easter Sunday fall on April 1, which is also April Fool’s day. Christians celebrate Easter on a Sunday as it was the day Jesus rose from the dead. Eating chocolate eggs is a popular way to celebrate Easter. Eggs are seen as a symbol of new life, which means they can also be a symbol of the resurrection. On the occasion of holly weekend people decorate eggs, send Easter greeting cards and messages wishes to their family, friends and relatives. Here we compiled some awesome collections of Easter wishes images that you could send via social media.

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